Monday, June 20, 2016

Enjoying work

Enjoy Work

Enjoying work has always seemed to be a struggle for me. I understand work is mostly a necessity and that it provides money to allow us to buy our needs and, also, our wants, but it has never been fun. I have a career, not a job that pays minimum wage, and not a job in an industry I hate. However, work is still work.

You have to stay at work for your shift. You have to behave. You have to do your personal best. You cannot slack off, take a nap, or dress in pajamas. You have to be professional, and that sometimes gets tiring. I realize the best way to enjoy work is to realize how good you have it.

Reading a book that took place at a time when people were eating bread and milk for each meal, and sewing, knitting, and cleaning to pass the day and to get a few cents, has enlightened me on how good I have it. I work in an air conditioned building, with my own room and computer, and have wonderfully friendly coworkers who all are routing for me to succeed. Sometimes you have to realize that having the ability to choose your field and work in it for a good wage is what is important to remember when its Monday at 12 and you have 7 hours of work left.

1 comment:

  1. You can always work at a fast food restaurant to appreciate the kind of work you have (unless you're already working there Lol).
